MICA Specialties Banner




File Extension Format & Type of File Program

.M - Function                                                           MATLAB

.M - Macro Sourcecode                                              ModuleA 3

.M3D - 3D Animations Macro

.MA3 - Macro                                                            HARVARD GRAPHICS 3.0

.MAC - Bitmap Graphic                                              MACPAINT

.MAX - MAX Program File

.MB - Memo Holder for Database                               PARADOX

.MBK - Multiple index Backup                                    DBASE IV

.MBF - back up file                                                   MS MONEY

.MCC - Configuration                                                MATHCAD

.MCD - Document                                                     MATHCAD

.MCF - Font                                                             MATHCAD

.MCI - Command Set                                                 MCI

.MCP - Printer driver                                                 MATHCAD

.MCW - Text file                                                       WORD For MACINTOSH

.MD - Compressed Archive File                                  MDCD

.MDB - Database                                                       MS ACCESS

.MDM - Modem definition                                           TELIX

.MDX - Multiple Index                                                DBASE IV

.ME - ASCII Text file                                                  READ ME
.MEB - Macro Editor bottom                                       WORDPERFECT

.MED - Macro Editor delete save                                WORDPERFECT

.MEM - Macro Editor macro                                        WORDPERFECT

.MEM - Memory file of Variables (Memory)                 DBASE IV / FOXPRO

.MEQ - Macro Editor print queue                                WORDPERFECT

.MER - Macro Editor resident area                             WORDPERFECT

.MES - Macro Editor work space                                WORDPERFECT

.MET - Macro Editor top overflow file                       WORDPERFECT

.MET - Meta file

.MEU - Menus (DOS Shell)

.MEX - MEX file (executable command)                     MATLAB

.MF - MetaFont Text file

.MID - MIDI File                                                        MS WINDOWS

.MLB - Macro Library                                                FOXPRO

.MMM - Animation

.MND - Menu Program File                                        AUTOCAD

.MNT - Menu memo                                                  FOXPRO

.MNU - Menu                                                           AUTOCAD

.MNX - compiled menu file                                       AUTOCAD

.MNX - Menu                                                            FOXPRO

.MOB - Device definitions                                         PEN WINDOWS

.MOD - Audio file (Amiga)

.MOV - Movie

.MPC - Calender                                                       MS PROJECT

.MPD - Mini port driver

.MPG - MPEG Animation

.MPM - MathPlan Macro                                            WORDPERFECT

.MPP - Project file                                                   MS PROJECT

.MPR - Program                                                       FOXPRO

.MPV - View                                                            MS PROJECT

.MPX - Compiler Menu                                             FOXPRO

.MRB - Multiple Resolution Bitmap Graphic             MS C/C++

.MRS - Macro resource file                                      WORDPERFECT

.MSG - Message Text file (ASCII)

.MSP - Bitmap Graphic                                            MS WINDOWS 2.x PAINT

.MST - Minispecification                                          PROSA

.MST - Setup script                                                  MS WINDOWS SDK

.MSW - Text file                                                      MS WORD
.MTH - Math                                                            DERIVE

.MTW - Data file                                                      MINITAB

.MU - Menu                                                             QUATTRO PRO

.MUS - Audio file

.MVB - Database                                                     MS INFO VIEWER

.MVF - Stop frame file                                             AUTOCAD AUTOFLIX

.MVI - Movie command file


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File Extension Format & Type of File Program

.NCD - Norton Change Directory                              NORTON COMMANDER

.NDX - Index dBASE

.NET - Network Configuration                                 PARADOX

.NEW - New info

.NG - Online-Documentation                                   NORTON GUIDE

.NOT - Notes                                                          IBM BOOKMANAGER

.NST - MOD Audio file                                             Amima

.NTF - Notes                                                          IBM BOOKMANAGER

.NTS - Tutorial                                                       NORTON

.NTX - Index                                                           CLIPPER 5

.NWS - Info Text file (latest news) (ASCII)


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File Extension Format & Type of File Program

.O - Object file                                                       UNIX

.O$$ - Outfile                                                         SPRINT

.OBJ - Object code

.OCX - OLE Control Extension

.OFF - Vector graphic (Object File Format)

.OFM - Font                                                            Adobe

.OLB - Object Library

.OLD - Backup

.OLI - Text file                                                       Olivetti

.OPC - Job file                                                        BETA 44

.OPT - Optimize                                                      QEMM

.OPX - Organization diagram                                   MS ORGCHART

.OUT - Output file

.OVL - Program file - Overlay

.OVR - Program file - Overlay


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File Extension Format & Type of File Program

.P -  Program File                                                   PASCAL

.P - Picture                                                            APPLAUSE

.P65 - Document                                                     PAGEMAKER 6.5

.PAD - Keypad definition                                         TELEMATE

.PAK - Compressed Archive File PAK

.PAL - Color palette

.PAR - Parameter file                                              FRACTINT

.PAS - Program File                                                 PASCAL

.PAT - Hatch-Pattern                                               AUTOCAD

.PAT - Vector-Pattern                                              COREL DRAW

.PBI - Profiler Binary Input                                       MS SOURCE PROFILER

.PBM - Portable Bit Map Graphic                              PBM

.PBO - Profiler Binary Output                                   MS SOURCE PROFILER

.PBT - Profiler Binary Table                                     MS SOURCE PROFILER

.PC8 - ASCII Text                                                     IBM-8

.PCD - Graphic                                                         Photo-CD Image

.PCF - Profiler Command File                                    MS SOURCE PROFILER

.PCH - Patch File

.PCH - PreCompiled Header                                      MS C/C++

.PCK - pick file                                                         TURBO PASCAL

.PCT - Bitmap Graphic

.PCW - Text file                                                        PC WRITE

.PCX - Bitmap Graphic                                               PAINTBRUSH

.PDR - Printer driver

.PDR - Port driver

.PDS - PDS Graphic

.PDV - Printer driver                                                 PAINTBRUSH

.PEB - Program Editor bottom overflow file               WORDPERFECT

.PED - Program Editor delete save                             WORDPERFECT

.PEM - Program Editor macro                                     WORDPERFECT

.PEQ - Program Editor print queue file                       WORDPERFECT

.PER - Program Editor resident area                          WORDPERFECT

.PES - Program Editor work space file                       WORDPERFECT

.PET - Program Editor top overflow file                    WORDPERFECT

.PF - Profile file (Monitor, Printer )

.PFA - Outline Font

.PFB - Outline Font

.PFK - Programmable function keys                          XTREE PRO

.PFT - Printer Font                                                   CHIWRITER

.PGM - Portable Gray Map Graphic                           PBM

.PH  - Header                                                          PERL

.PIC - Bitmap Graphic

.PIF - Program Information File                                MS WINDOWS

.PJT - Project memo                                                FOXPRO

.PJX - Project                                                          FOXPRO

.PLT - HPGL Plotter file Vector graphic                    AUTOCAD

.PM  - Graphic                                                         PAGEMAKER

.PM3 - Document                                                     PAGEMAKER 3

.PM4 - Document                                                     PAGEMAKER 4

.PM5 - Document                                                     PAGEMAKER 5

.PM6 - Document                                                     PAGEMAKER 6

.PN3 - Printer driver                                                HARVARD GRAPHICS

.PNM - Portable Any Map Graphic                             PBM

.PNT - Macintosh painting

.POP - Popup Menu                                                   DBASE

.PP - Compressed Archive File                                  POWERPACKER

.PPD - PostScript Printer Description

.PPO - Preprocessor output                                      CLIPPER 5

.PPT - PowerPoint-Foils                                           POWERPOINT

.PRG - Program File                                                 FOXPRO/CLIPPER 5

.PRJ - Project

.PRN - Print File

.PRS - Printer ReSource file for fonts                       WORDPERFECT

.PRS - procedure                                                     DBASE IV

.PRT - Printer Configuration                                    IRMA WORKSTATION

.PRT - Printer driver                                               DR. HALO

.PRX - Compiler Program                                        FOXPRO

.PS - PostScript (ASCII)

.PSF - PostScript Printer Font                                 CHIWRITER

.PSM - Symbol table                                                TURBO PASCAL

.PT3 - Device driver                                               HARVARD GRAPHICS

.PUB - Publication                                                  VENTURA PUBLISHER

.PW - Text file                                                       PROFESSIONAL WRITE

.PWL - Password List

.PX - Primer Database index                                   PARADOX

.PY - script                                                             PYTHON

.PYC - Compiler  Script                                           PYTHON